Track Map Database
We offer a vast database of circuits with our products. Running the latest version of firmware, setup software and Circuit Tools analysis software should ensure that you are using the latest track database.
Available Circuits
Please be aware that the Circuit database is currently not up-to-date. If you can't find your track in the list below, please also check here: |Track Map Updates|
Please select a country to view a list of available circuits
Need to update your circuits?
If a track is listed on the drop-down menu but cannot be found on your device, you can update your circuits by downloading the relevant track map database below. If you are using VBOX Video HD2 Setup, Video VBOX Setup or Circuit Tools, please also download and run the CircuitDataBaseSetup.exe (zipped) to ensure that the latest track map database is available.
VBOX LapTimers
Updated: 10/2024

Only compatible with VBOX LapTimer on firmware 1.12.31 or higher. If you are running an older version, please update prior to installing the new track database.
Can't find a track?
If you cannot find your track in list of circuits above OR this list: |Track Map Updates| , request a new track map to be added to the circuit database.